G. FINANCES (S3, 2011)

FNALWS3 G1 Do you receive allowance from your parents now?

1 Yes

2 No

-9 Missing

FNALWAS3 G1A If yes, how much? (per week)

-9 Missing 

FNALWBS3 G1B If no, at what age did you stop getting an allowance?

-9 Missing

FNCHOS3 G2 Do you have to do household chores or other jobs to get your allowance?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

FNCHQS3 G3 During the past year, how often have you done household jobs for pay in your home (other than for an allowance)?

1 Almost every day                

2 Once or twice a week

3 Once or twice a month

4 Less than once a month

5 Never

-9 Missing

FNMNWS3 G4 Considering all your money, from allowances, jobs (paid work outside or inside your home), gifts, and anyplace else, how much money do you get in an average week? (If none, write 0.)

-9 Missing

FNENGS3 G5 All in all, how do you feel about your money--is it enough for you or do you need more?

1 Enough for me

2 Not enough for me--I need more money

-9 Missing

FNENGXS3 G5A If it is not enough, how much more money would be enough per week?

-9 Missing

FNSVS3 G6 How much money have you saved?  (If none, write in 0.)

-9 Missing

FNPARAS3 G7 How often  do you hear your parents (stepparents or guardians) talk about their jobs (with each other or with others)?

1 Often

2 Sometimes

3 Rarely

4 Never

5 Does not apply

-9 Missing

G8-11 During the past year, how often...

1 Often 

2 Sometimes

3 Rarely

4 Never

5 Does not apply (for example, neither is employed)

-9 Missing


FNPARBS3 Have you heard your parents talking about financial problems?

FNPARCS3 Have your parents talked to you about your family's financial problems?

FNPARDS3 Have you parents talked to you about needing to spend less money?

FNPARES3 Have you worried about not being able to do things that you'd like to do because of your family's financial problems?

F. Future Work (S3, 2011)
H. Leisure and Civic Activities (S3, 2011)