H. SPORTS (S2, 2010)

 H1 In the past year, have you participated in any sports or physical activities (for example, soccer, dance, hockey, baseball, or karate)?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

H2 List all the sports that you played during the past year, not including physical education classes.  (Circle all types of participation for each sport played)

0 Unchecked

1 Checked

-8 No participation in sports

-88 No corresponding sport report

Name of sportSchool sponsored teamTravel team or clubRecreation center/community teamInformal recreation/fitnessNone of types checked

SPIMPS2 H3 How important is playing sport(s) to you?

1 Not at all important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

4 Extremely important

-9 Missing

-8 No participation in sports

SPEXPS2 H4 How would you describe your experience with sport(s)?

1 Very negative

2 Somewhat negative

3 Somewhat positive

4 Very positive

-9 Missing

-8 No participation in sports

H5 On average, about how many hours per week do you play sports? (If none, write 0).

            SPHRLS2    Low number            SPHRHS2    High number

H6 Which seasons do you play sports on a school, club, or community team? (Circle all that apply.)

0 Unchecked

1 Checked

-9 Missing

-8 No participation in sports





SPSEAES2 Does not apply, I only play informally or for personal fitness


SPCOAS2 H7 Has a coach or fellow athlete ever provided assistance or guidance with your schoolwork?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

-88 No participation in sports

SPGRDS2 H8 Overall, how has your involvement in sport(s) influenced your grades in the past year?

1 It hurt my grades a lot

2 It hurt my grades somewhat

3 It had no effect on my grades

4 It improved my grades somewhat

5 It improved my grades a lot

-9 Missing

-8 No participation in sports

H9 What did you hope to get out of playing sports and what have you actually gotten out of sports?

1 Not at all 

2 A little

3 Somewhat

4 Very much

-9 Missing

-88 No participation in sports

Hoped to get   Actually got
SPHPAS2Help getting into college  SPGOTAS2Help getting into college
SPHPBS2Have funSPGOTBS2Have fun
SPHPCS2Lose weightSPGOTCS2Lose weight
SPHPDS2Gain weightSPGOTDS2Gain weight
SPHPES2Learn how to work with othersSPGOTES2Learn how to work with others
SPHPFS2Relax or relieve stressSPGOTFS2Relax or relieve stress
SPHPGS2Feel strongSPGOTGS2Feel strong
SPHPHS2Learn leadership skillsSPGOTHS2Learn leadership skills
SPHPJS2Bond with a parent or family memberSPGOTJS2Bond with a parent or family member
SPHPKS2Stay out of troubleSPGOTKS2Stay out of trouble
SPHPLS2Be more athletic or coordinatedSPGOTLS2Be more athletic or coordinated
SPHPMS2Show more loyalty or pride in my school or communitySPGOTMS2Show more loyalty or pride in my school or community
SPHPNS2Be more popularSPGOTNS2Be more popular
SPHPOS2Feel good about my bodySPGOTOS2Feel good about my body
SPHPPS2Boost my confidence or self-esteemSPGOTPS2Boost my confidence or self-esteem
SPHPQS2Focus on something other than schoolSPGOTQS2Focus on something other than school
SPHPRS2Spend more time with friendsSPGOTRS2Spend more time with friends
SPHPSS2Exercise and stay healthySPGOTSS2Exercise and stay healthy
SPHPTS2Impress a girl or boySPGOTTS2 Impress a girl or boy

SPABI1S2 H10 How do you think your athletic ability compares to others on your team (or others you play with/against)?

1 I am a lot worse than most

2 I am somewhat worse than most

3 I am about average

4 I am somewhat better than most

5 I am a lot better than most

-9 Missing

-8 No participation in sports

SPABI2S2 H11 How do you think your athletic ability compares to most others your age?

1 I am a lot worse than most

2 I am somewhat worse than most

3 I am about average

4 I am somewhat better than most

5 I am a lot better than most

-9 Missing

-8 No participation in sports

SPSIBS2 H12 Did any of your brothers and sisters ever play sports?

1 Yes

2 No

3 I don't know

4 I don't have any brothers or sisters

5 My brothers or sisters are too young to play sports

-9 Missing

SPPARS2 H13 Did your parents ever play sports?

1 Yes

2 No

3 I don't know

-9 Missing


SPKNWS2 H14 How would you rate your overall knowledge of sports as a fan? For example, as a spectator at live sports events, reading about sports, or watching sports on TV.

1 I know very little


7 I know a lot

-9 Missing

H15 Below is a list of questions regarding your current involvement with sports as a fan.  (Circle one number for each.)  How often do you:

1 Never

2 Once a year

3 Once a month

4 Once a week

5 Two to three times per week

6 Every day

-9 Missing

SPFAN1S2  Read about sports in a newspaper, magazine, internet, etc.

SPFAN2S2  Watch sports on television

SPFAN3S2  Attend live sporting events

SPFAN4S2  Discuss sports with friends or family

SPFAN5S2   Participate in a fantasy sports league


G. Future Work (S2, 2010)
I. Civic Participation (S2, 2010)