G. FUTURE WORK (S2, 2010)

The following questions ask you to describe how often certain things will happen when you become an adult.  When you are an adult doing your job, how often do you think you will...

1 Never

2 Almost never

3 Sometimes

4 Usually

5 Always

-9 Missing

FWCAS2 G1 Get enough money from your job

FWCBS2 G2 Be treated badly at work

FWCCS2 G3 Have trouble following the rules at work

FWCDS2 G4 Get really interested in your work

FWCES2 G5 Have a really good job

FWCFS2 G6 Spend too much time at work

FWCGS2 G7 Have good relationships with others

FWCHS2 G8 Have an overly demanding and pushy boss

FWCIS2  G9 Be treated as an unimportant person

FWCJS2  G10 Get the support you need to do good work


Think about the feelings you will have when you become an adult and go to work.  When you are an adult doing your job, how often do you think you will feel...

1 Never

2 Almost never

3 Sometimes

4 Usually

5 Always

-9 Missing

FTFAS2 G11 Excited

FTFBS2 G12 Happy

FTFCS2 G13 Sad

FTFDS2 G14 Proud

FTFES2 G15 Disgusted

FTFFS2 G16 Fun

FTFGS2 G17 Lonely

FTFHS2 G18 Jealous

FTFIS2  G19 Depressed

FTFJS2  G20 Fulfilled

F. Thinking About The Future (S2, 2010)
H. Sports (S2, 2010)