FR1S2 M1 In an average week (Monday through Friday), about how many afternoons do you spend with your friends?

0 None

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five

-9 Missing

FR2S2 M2 In an average week (Monday through Friday), about how many evenings do you spend with your friends?

0 None

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five

-9 Missing

FR3S2 M3 On the weekends, about how much time do you spend with your friends?

1 All the time

2 Most of the time

3 Some of the time

4 Very little time

5 No time at all

-9 Missing

M4 In an average day, about how much time do you spend talking on the phone, emailing, or texting on your cell phone with your friends?

FR4AHS2    Hours                FR4AMS2    Minutes

M5 In an average day, about how much time do you spend using facebook, twitter, or other social networking websites (including time spent checking others' pages as well as updating your own)?

FR4BHS2    Hours                FR4BMS2    Minutes

FR5S2 M6 When things get rough, do you have a friend (or friends) who you can really talk to, someone you can turn to for support and understanding?

1 Yes, I am very sure I do

2 Yes, I am fairly sure I do

3 No, I don't

4 I am not sure

-9 Missing

FR6S2 M7 How close do you feel to your best friend of your own sex?

1 Extremely close

2 Quite close

3 Fairly close

4 Not close at all

-9 Missing

FR7S2 M8 How close do you feel to your best friend of the opposite sex?

1 Extremely close

2 Quite close

3 Fairly close

4 Not close at all

-9 Missing

FR8S2 M9 Have you ever held hands with someone who was not a friend or family member?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

FR9S2 M10 Have you ever kissed someone who was not just a friend or family member?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

FR10S2 M11 Have you ever fooled around with someone--more than just kissing and making out with someone, but not sex?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

FR11S2 M12 Have you ever had sex?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

M12A If YES, when did you first have sex?  How old were you when you first had sex?

-9 Missing

-8 M12=No


FR11XS2 When: Month

FR11YS1 When: Year

FR11ZS2 How old

FR12S2 M13 What's the longest you've gone out with the same person?

1 Less than one month

2 More than one month (How many months? FR12XS2)

3 Does not apply

-9 Missing

FR13S2 M14 In the past year, how many romantic partners have you had?

-9 Missing

FR14S2 M15 Select the category that best fits you:

1 Heterosexual, attracted to the opposite sex

2 Bisexual, attracted to the same sex and the opposite sex

3 Homosexual, attracted to the same sex

4 Not sure if I prefer male or females

-9 Missing

FR15S2 M16 Have you ever been called a bad name or threatened because of your sexual orientation?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

L. Myself (S2, 2010)
N. My Parents (S2, 2010)