MARIED18 F1 Have you ever been married?


0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

F2 When did you get married?

Month Year

First marriage MAR1MO18 MAR1YR18

Second marriage MAR2MO18 MAR2YR18

Third marriage MAR3MO18 MAR3YR18

DIVOR18 F3 Have you ever been divorced?


0 No

1 Yes

-8 NA (Never Married)

-9 Missing

F4 When did you get divorced?


Month Year

First divorce DIV1MO18 DIV1YR18

Second divorce DIV2MO18 DIV2YR18

Third divorce DIV3MO18 DIV3YR18

COMAR18 F5 Are you currently married or cohabiting in an intimate relationship?


0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

F6 Is your spouse/partner currently (Circle all that apply):


0 Not checked

1 Checked

-8 Currently involved with no one

-9 Missing

SPSCH18 a attending school

SPUNEM18 b unemployed and looking for work

SPMLTY18 c in the military service

SPHMKR18 d a full-time homemaker

SPWKPT18 e working part-time (less than 35 hours per week)

SPWKFT18 f working full-time (35 hours or more per week)

SPJBNA18 g none of the above

F7 What is his/her main occupation? Please give the full name of his/her job and organization

For more information about this variable, see work history and occupational coding

SPSEDU18 F8 What level of education has your spouse or partner completed?


1 Elementary or junior high school

2 High school or GED (General Equivalency Diploma)

3 Technical or vocational school

4 Associate’s degree

5 Some college

6 Bachelor's degree (4 year college or university)

7 Master’s degree

8 Ph.D. or professional degree

-8 Currently involved with no one

-9 Missing

SPSATI18 F9 All things considered, how satisfied are you with your relationship with your spouse or partner?


1 Very dissatisfied

2 Somewhat dissatisfied

3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

4 Somewhat satisfied

5 Very satisfied

-8 Currently involved with no one

-9 Missing

SPDOTG18 F10 How important to you are the things you do with your spouse or partner?


1 Not at all important

2 Not too important

3 Somewhat important

4 Very important

5 Extremely important

-8 Currently involved with no one

-9 Missing

F11 How often do the following occur in your relationship with your spouse or partner?


1 Never

2 Seldom

3 Sometimes

4 Often

5 Almost always

-8 Currently involved with no one

-9 Missing


SPREL118 My spouse/partner influences what I think and do

SPREL218 My spouse/partner insists on knowing who I am with and where I am

SPREL318 I receive warmth and affection from my spouse/partner.

SPREL418 I have felt stress or pressure in this relationship.

SPREL518 I receive support and encouragement from my spouse/partner.

SPREL618 We spend time alone talking or sharing an activity

F12 Couples often disagree about the topics listed below. How often, if at all, in the last year have you had open disagreements about each of the following?


1 Almost never

2 Less than once a month

3 Several times a month

4 Several times a week

5 Almost every day

-8 Currently involved with no one

-9 Missing


SPDIS118 Household tasks

SPDIS218 Money

SPDIS318 Spending time together

SPDIS418 Having a child

SPDIS518 My partner’s relatives

F13FDS18 F13 Thinking about your current family situation, how often do you have the opportunity to participate in family decisions?
 1 Always
 2 Often
 3 Sometimes
 4 Rarely
 5 Never
-9 Missing

F14FDS18 F14 How much control do you feel you have over your family’s decisions?

1 A lot

2 Some

3 A little

4 None

-9 Missing

HOME18 F15 How many people live in your current household? (Include only those people who live in your household right now--including yourself.)


-9 Missing

F16 Describe the relationship to you of each person living in your household right now, including yourself (such as “myself” “roommate” “child” or “mother”)



1. HCMPS118 6. HCMPS618

2. HCMPS218 7. HCMPS718

3. HCMPS318 8. HCMPS818

4. HCMPS418 9. HCMPS918

5. HCMPS518 10. HCMP1018


KIDS18 F17 Do you have any children?


0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing


F18 When were these children born?

-8 NA (have no child)

-88 NA (have no nth child)

-9 Missing

F19 What is their relation to you?

-8 NA (have no child)

-88 NA (have no nth child)

-9 Missing








First child born




Second child born




Third child born




Fourth child born




Fifth child born




Sixth child born




Seventh child born




Eighth child born




Ninth child born




Tenth child born




F20 Do you have full, partial/joint, or no custody of each of your children listed in F3A? Please check only one for each child.


1 Full custody

2 Partial or joint custody

3 No custody

-8 NA (have no child)

-88 NA (have no nth child)

-9 Missing


CH1CS18 First child CH6CS18 Sixth child

CH2CS18 Second child CH7CS18 Seventh child

CH3CS18 Third child CH8CS18 Eighth child

CH4CS18 Fourth child CH9CS18 Ninth child

CH5CS18 Fifth child CH10CS18 Tenth child

OFFWRK18 F21 After the birth/arrival of your youngest child, did you or your spouse/partner take any time off from work to care for your child?


0 No

1 Yes

-8 NA (Have No Child)

-9 Missing

F21A How much time did you take off work?

-8 NA

-9 Missing


F21ALO18 Low amount

F21AHI18 High amount

F21B How much time did your spouse/partner take off work?

-8 NA

-9 Missing


F21BLO18 Low amount

F21BHI18 High amount

F22 How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Circle one number for each.


1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree

3 Agree

4 Strongly agree

-8 NA (have No Child)

-9 Missing


F22PA118 I feel I am doing a good job as a parent.

F22PA218 I feel good about the opportunities I can provide for my children.

F23 How often do the following occur in your relationship with your children? Circle one number for each.


1 Never

2 Seldom

3 Sometimes

4 Often

5 Almost always

-8 NA (have No Child)

-9 Missing


F23PA118 I feel stress or pressure in my relationships with my children.

F23PA218 Because of my children, I do not have enough time to take care of myself.

F23PA318 Parenting leaves me feeling drained and exhausted.

F24 Parents emphasize different things in bringing up their children. How important are the following characteristics to you? 


1 Not at all important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

4 Extremely important

-8 NA (have No Child)

-9 Missing


F24PAA18 Responsible

F24PAB18 Interested in how and why things happen

F24PAC18 Considerate of others

F24PAD18 Good sense and sound judgment

F24PAE18 Self-control

F24PAF18 Neat and clean

F24PAG18 Obeys parents

F24PAH18 Good manners

F24PAI18 Acts like a bot/girl should

F24PAJ18 Good student

F24PAK18 Honest

F24PAL18 Tries hard to succeed

F24PAM18 Good worker

F25 At what age do you think a child should first be allowed to have a paid job outside his or her home?  

-8 NA

-9 Missing


FJBAGB18 Age for boys

FJBAGG18 Age for girls



F26CHJ18 F26 Does your child(ren) have one or more paid jobs outside your home?


0 No

1 Yes

3 No, but still answered F27

4 No, but still answered F28

-8 NA

-9 Missing

F27CHJ18 F27 Have you generally encouraged or discouraged your child(ren) from taking paid jobs while attending school?


1 I gave a lot of encouragement

2 I gave some encouragement

3 I remained neutral--neither encouraged nor discouraged

4 I discouraged my child

5 I strongly discouraged my child

6 Inapplicable. My child(ren) are too young to have paid jobs.

7 Inapplicable, but still answered F28

-8 NA

-88 Skipped based on F26

-9 Missing

F28CHJ18 F28 Have you ever set limits on your child(ren)'s employment?


1 No

2 Inapplicable

3 Yes

-8 NA

-88 Skipped based on F26 & F27

-9 Missing

F28A I have set limits on...(Circle all that apply.)

0 Unchecked

1 Checked

-8 NA

-88 Skipped based on F26, F27, & F28

-9 Missing


F28AA18 a the number of hours of work

F28AB18 b the scheduling of work hours

F28AC18 c the type of tasks performed on the job

F28AD18 d the distance my child can travel to work

F29 How active have they been in volunteering over the past year? (Check one for each child.)

1 Very active

2 Somewhat active

3 Not at all active

4 Don't know

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


F29CH118 First child

F29CH218 Second child

F29CH318 Third child

F29CH418 Fourth child

F29CH518 Fifth child

F29CH618 Sixth child

F30 How much time do they spend volunteering or helping those less fortunate? (Check one for each child.)

1 Too much time

2 Just the right amount of time

3 Not enough time

4 Don't know

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


F30CH118 First child

F30CH218 Second child

F30CH318 Third child

F30CH418 Fourth child

F30CH518 Fifth child

F30CH618 Sixth child

F31 How active are they in politics or in the affairs of the community? (Check one for each child.)

1 Very active

2 Somewhat active

3 Not at all active

4 Don't know

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


F31CH118 First child

F31CH218 Second child

F31CH318 Third child

F31CH418 Fourth child

F31CH518 Fifth child

F31CH618 Sixth child

F32 How much time do they spend being active in the affairs of the community? (Check one for each child.)

1 Too much time

2 Just the right amount of time

3 Not enough time

4 Don't know

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


F32CH118 First child

F32CH218 Second child

F32CH318 Third child

F32CH418 Fourth child

F32CH518 Fifth child

F32CH618 Sixth child

F33 How often do you discuss community issues or political matters with your child(ren)? (Check one for each child.)

1 Frequently

2 Occasionally

3 Rarely

4 Never

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


F33CH118 First child

F33CH218 Second child

F33CH318 Third child

F33CH418 Fourth child

F33CH518 Fifth child

F33CH618 Sixth child


F34 My child(ren) is interested in politics. (Check one for each child.)

1 Disagree strongly

2 Disagree

3 Agree

4 Agree strongly

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


F34CH118 First child

F34CH218 Second child

F34CH318 Third child

F34CH418 Fourth child

F34CH518 Fifth child

F34CH618 Sixth child

F35 My child(ren) has a good understanding of the important political issues facing our country. (Check one for each child.)

1 Disagree strongly

2 Disagree

3 Agree

4 Agree strongly

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


F35CH118 First child

F35CH218 Second child

F35CH318 Third child

F35CH418 Fourth child

F35CH518 Fifth child

F35CH618 Sixth child

F36 My child(ren) is well prepared to be an active citizen. (Check one for each child.)

1 Disagree strongly

2 Disagree

3 Agree

4 Agree strongly

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


F36CH118 First child

F36CH218 Second child

F36CH318 Third child

F36CH418 Fourth child

F36CH518 Fifth child

F36CH618 Sixth child

F37 To your knowledge, has your child(ren) experienced the following problems from other students' actions? 

0 Unchecked

1 Checked

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing

Was your child (or children)...First childSecond childThird childFourth childFifth childSixth child
Made fun of, called names, or insulted?F37AC118F37AC218F37AC318F37AC418F37AC518F37AC618
Had rumors spread about him/her?F37BC118F37BC218F37BC318F37BC418F37BC518F37BC618
Been threatened with harm?F37CC118F37CC218F37CC318F37CC418F37CC518F37CC618
Pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on?F37DC118F37DC218F37DC318F37DC418F37DC518F37DC618
Made to do things he/she did not want to do, for example, give away money? F37EC118F37EC218F37EC318F37EC418F37EC518F37EC618
Excluded from activities on purpose?F37FC118F37FC218F37FC318F37FC418F37FC518F37FC618
Had property destroyed on purpose?F37GC118F37GC218F37GC318F37GC418F37GC518F37GC618

F38 Please indicate if your child(ren) use any of these strategies to help them deal with stress. (Check as many as apply.)


0 Unchecked

1 Checked

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing

First childSecond childThird childFourth childFifth childSixth child
Try not to think about itF38AC118F38AC218F38AC318F38AC418F38AC518F38AC618
Spend time aloneF38BC118F38BC218F38BC318F38BC418F38BC518F38BC618
Go outF38CC118F38CC218F38CC318F38CC418F38CC518F38CC618
Talk to someone (friend, parents, etc.)F38DC118F38DC218F38DC318F38DC418F38DC518F38DC618
Try to solve the problemF38EC118F38EC218F38EC318F38EC418F38EC518F38EC618
Do something to keep busyF38FC118F38FC218F38FC318F38FC418F38FC518F38FC618
Tell themselves it doesn't matterF38GC118F38GC218F38GC318F38GC418F38GC518F38GC618
Listen to musicF38HC118F38HC218F38HC318F38HC418F38HC518F38HC618
Play sportsF38JC118F38JC218F38JC318F38JC418F38JC518F38JC618
Go shoppingF38LC118F38LC218F38LC318F38LC418F38LC518F38LC618
Stop eatingF38NC118F38NC218F38NC318F38NC418F38NC518F38NC618
Drink alcoholF38OC118F38OC218F38OC318F38OC418F38OC518F38OC618
Hit someoneF38PC118F38PC218F38PC318F38PC418F38PC518F38PC618
Get into an argument with someoneF38QC118F38QC218F38QC318F38QC418F38QC518F38QC618
Take drugsF38RC118F38RC218F38RC318F38RC418F38RC518F38RC618
Do risky thingsF38TC118F38TC218F38TC318F38TC418F38TC518F38TC618
Hurt themselves on purposeF38UC118F38UC218F38UC318F38UC418F38UC518F38UC618

F39CSM18 F39 To your knowledge have any of your child(ren) smoked (tobacco) during the last year?


0 No

1 Yes

-8 NA

-9 Missing

F39A How often do you believe your child(ren) smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days? (Check one for each child.)

1 Not at all

2 Less than 1 cigarette each day

3 1 to 5 cigarettes each day

4 About 1/2 pack each day

5 About 1 pack each day

6 About 1-1/2 packs each day

7 About 2 packs each day

-8 NA

-888 No knowledge of children smoking

-9 Missing


F39AC118 First child

F39AC218 Second child

F39AC318 Third child

F39AC418 Fourth child

F39AC518 Fifth child

F39AC618 Sixth child

F40CAL18 F40 To your knowledge, have any of your child(ren) had any beer, wine, or liquor during the past year?


0 No

1 Yes

-8 NA

-9 Missing

F40A On how many occasions do you believe your child(ren) has had alcoholic beverages to drink in the past 30 days? (Check one for each child.)

1 None

2 1-2 times

3 3-5 times

4 6-9 times

5 10-19 times

6 20-39 times

7 40 or more times

-8 NA

-888 No knowledge of children drinking

-9 Missing


F40AC118 First child

F40AC218 Second child

F40AC318 Third child

F40AC418 Fourth child

F40AC518 Fifth child

F40AC618 Sixth child

F41 To your knowledge, have any your child(ren) ever used the following drugs? 


0 Unchecked

1 Checked

-8 NA

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing

First childSecond childThird childFourth childFifth childSixth child
Used marijuana or hashish.F41AC118F41AC218F41AC318F41AC418F41AC518F41AC618
Used an illegal drug other than marijuana (such as cocaine, crystal meth, LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, or heroin).F41BC118F41BC218F41BC318F41BC418F41BC518F41BC618
Used prescription drugs (such as Ritalin, Oxycontin, or Vicodin) on his or her own--without a doctor's prescription.F41CC118F41CC218F41CC318F41CC418F41CC518F41CC618


DADPRM18 F42 Please identify your primary male parent (if you have more than one, please identify the one who you feel the closest to):


1 Father by birth

2 Father by adoption

3  Stepfather

4  Male guardian, please specify DADOTH18

5  I do not have a primary male parent  

6  My primary male parent is deceased 

-9 Missing

Please answer the next few questions about the person you identified above.


DADCLS18 F43 How close do you feel to him?


1 Extremely close

2 Quite close

3 Fairly close

4 Not close at all

-8 No applicable male guardian

-9 Missing

DADF4418 F44 When you are faced with personal concerns and decisions, do you talk them over with him?


1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-8 No applicable male guardian

-9 Missing

DADF4518 F45 How often does he talk over important decisions that he has to make with you?


1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-8 No applicable male guardian

-9 Missing

DADF4618 F46 How often does he listen to your side of an argument?


1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-8 No applicable male guardian

-9 Missing

DADF4718 F47 How often have you argued or had a fight with your primary male parent?


1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-8 No applicable male guardian

-9 Missing


MOMPRM18 F48 Please identify your primary female parent (if you have more than one, please identify the one who you feel the closest to):

1 Mother by birth

2 Mother by adoption

3  Stepmother

4  Female guardian, please specify MOMOTH18

5  I do not have a primary female parent  

6  My primary female parent is deceased  

-9 Missing

Please answer the next few questions about the person you identified above.

MOMCLS18 F49 How close do you feel to her?


1 Extremely close

2 Quite close

3 Fairly close

4 Not close at all

-8 Not applicable, no female guardian

-9 Missing

MOMF5018 F50 When you are faced with personal concerns and decisions, do you talk them over with her?


1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-8 No applicable female guardian

-9 Missing

MOMF5118 F51 How often does she talk over important decisions that she has to make with you?


1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-8 No applicable female guardian

-9 Missing

MOMF5218 F52 How often does she listen to your side of an argument?


1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-8 No applicable female guardian

-9 Missing

MOMF5318 F53 How often have you argued or had a fight with your primary female parent?


1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-8 No applicable female guardian

-9 Missing


E. Finances (W18, 2009)
G. Friends (W18, 2009)