J. WORK PROBLEMS (W10, 1998)

Below is a list of possible behaviors that may cause problems at paid work. For each, please indicate whether you have ever done it, whether you ever did it during high school, and finally, the number of times you have done each during the last year. We'd like to remind you that all of your answers are confidential.


Have you ever...During high school did youHow many times in the past year have you...
1 Yes
2 No
-9 Missing
1 Yes
2 No
-9 Missing

0  0
1  1
2  2
3  3-4
4  5+
-9 Missing
J1 Called into work sick when you weren't really sick SICK110 SICK210 SICK310
J2 Got to work late or left early without a good reason LATE110 LATE210 LATE310
J3 Expressed irritation to co-workers to let off steam about a situation at work IRRIT110 IRRIT210 IRRIT310
J4 Expressed frustration about a situation at work by swearing, slamming things down, crumpling up paper FRUST110 FRUST210 FRUST310
J5 Gave away goods or services for nothing or less than the market price GIVE110 GIVE210 GIVE310
J6 Claimed to have worked more hours than you actually worked on a time sheet/card TMEWK110 TMEWK210 TMEWK310
J7 Lied to an employer to get or keep a job LIEWK110 LIEWK210 LIEWK310
J8 Been drunk or high at work HIWK110 HIWK210 HIWK310
J9 Took things from your employer or coworkers TAKE110 TAKE210 TAKE310
J10 Purposely damaged property at work DAMAG110 DAMAG210 DAMAG310
J11 Misused or took money from work MONEY110 MONEY210 MONEY310
J12 Hit or threatened to hit someone at work HITWK110 HITWK210 HITWK310

I. Health (W10, 1998)
K. Rule Breaking (W10, 1998)