H. CIVIC ATTITUDES (S4, 2019-20)

Do you discuss community issues or political matters with...

1 Frequently

2 Occasionally

3 Rarely

4 Never

-9 Missing

H1CPFRNDS4 Friends

H1CPFAMS4 Family members

H1CPCOWRKS4 Co-workers

H1CPOTHPS4 Other people

H2CPPPTYS4 Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party or to the Democratic Party?

1 Closer to Republican

2 Closer to Democratic

3 Independent

4 Don't know or Other

-9 Missing

H3CPPLNS4 Which of the following best describes your political leanings?

1 Extremely Liberal

2 Liberal

3 Moderate

4 Conservative

5 Extremely Conservative

6 Don't know or Other

-9 Missing

G. Finances (S4, 2019-20)
I. Myself (S4, 2019-20)