How do you see your future?

1 Very high 

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing

E1PAYWELLS4 You will have a job that pays well?

E2OWNHOMES4 You will be able to own your own home?

E3ENJYJOBS4 You will have a job that you enjoy doing?

E4HAPFAMS4 You will have a happy family life?

E5GOODHLTHS4 You will be in good health most of the time?

E6LIVWANTS4 You will be able to live wherever you want to in the country?

E7RESPCOMS4 You will be respected in your community?

E8BETYOUS4 Life will turn out better for you than it has for your parents?

E9BETCHILS4   Your children will have a better life than you've had?

E10FRNDONS4 You will have good friends you can count on?

E11WSBAGES4 Think about your life ten years from now. Do you think your life will be worse, similar, or better than for others your age?

1 Worse

2 Similar

3 Better

-9 Missing

E12WSBNOWS4 Think about your life ten years from now. Do you think your life will be worse, similar, or better than your life overall right now?

1 Worse

2 Similar

3 Better

-9 Missing

E13-18 Thinking about your future adult life, how important do you think each of the following things will be to you?

1 Not at all important

2 Somewhat important

3 Very important

4 Extremely important

-9 Missing

E13IMPTOCCS4 Career or occupation

E14IMPTRELS4 My relationship with my husband, wife, or life partner

E15IMPTCHILS4 Being a parent, relationship with my children

E16IMPTPARS4 Relationships with my parents and other relatives

E17IMPTFRNDS4 Friendships

E18IMPTCITIS4 Participation as a citizen in my community

E19EDLVS4 What is the highest level of education you have completed?

1 Elementary or junior high school

2 GED (General Equivalency Diploma)

3 High school Diploma

4 Some college (no degree)

5 Technical/vocational school degree or certificate

6 Associate's degree

7 Bachelor's degree (4-year college or university)

8 Master's degree

9 Ph.D. or professional degree

-9 Missing

E19EDPLS4 What is the highest level of education that you plan to obtain in the future?

1 Elementary or junior high school

2 GED (General Equivalency Diploma)

3 High school Diploma

4 Some college (no degree)

5 Technical/vocational school degree or certificate

6 Associate's degree

7 Bachelor's degree (4-year college or university)

8 Master's degree

9 Ph.D. or professional degree

-9 Missing

E20MARS4 Do you expect that you will get married someday?

1 Yes, I am quite sure I will marry

2 Yes, I probably will marry

3 Don't know

4 No, I probably won't marry

5 No, I am quite sure I won't marry

6 I am already married

7 I am divorced, separated, or widowed, but I think I will remarry in the future

8 I am divorced, separated, or widowed, but I don't think I will remarry in the future

-9 Missing

E24AMARS4 About what age do you think you will be when you get married?


-9 Missing

-8 Not going to marry

-88 Already married

E24BMARS4 About what age do you think you will be when you get remarried?


-9 Missing

-8 Not going to marry

-88 Already married

When did you get married?



First Marriage



Second Marriage (if applicable)



-9 Missing

-8 Not going to marry

-88 Already married

E22DIVORS4 Have you ever been divorced?

1 Yes

2 No

-9 Missing

-8 Not going to marry

-88 Already married

When did you get divorced?



First Divorce



Second Divorce (if applicable)



-9 Missing

-8 Not going to marry

-88 Already married

E23COMARS4 Are you currently cohabiting (unmarried and living with a partner in an intimate relationship)?

1 Yes

2 No

-9 Missing

-8 Currently married

Is your partner or spouse currently: (Choose all that apply)

1 Checked

-8 Not married or cohabitating

-9 Not checked or Missing

E23SPSCHS4 Attending school

E23SPUNEMS4 Unemployed and looking for work

E23SPRMLTYS4 In military service

E23SPHMKRS4 A full-time homemaker

E23SPWKPTS4 Working part-time (less than 35 hours a week)

E23SPWKFT4 Working full-time (35 hours or more per week)

E24SPJBNAS4 What is your spouse/partner's occupation? Please tell us the name of his/her job:


-8 Not married or cohabitating

-9 Missing

Spouse/partner's occupation ONET codes:

E24SPOTAS4 ONET Code First 2 Digits

E24SPOTBS4 ONET Code Middle 4 Digits

E24SPOTCS4 ONET Code Last 4 Digits

E25SPSEDUS4 What level of education did your spouse or partner complete?

1 Elementary or junior high school

2 High school or GED (General Equivalency Diploma)

3 Some college (no degree)

4 Technical or vocational school

5 Associate's degree

6 Bachelor's degree (4-year college or university)

7 Professional or graduate degree

8 Not sure

-9 Missing

-8 Not married or cohabitating

E26KIDSEXPS4 How many children do you expect to have? (Please give a number only; if none, write 0)


-9 Missing

E27KIDSS4 Do you have children now?

1 Yes

2 No

-9 Missing

E31KIDSCOUNTS4 How many children do you have?

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6+

-8 No children

-9 Missing

E31BKIDAGES4 How old do you think you will be when you have your first child?


-8 Already have children

-88 Do not plan to have children

-9 Missing

When were your children born?



First child born



Second child born



Third child born



Fourth child born



Fifth child born



Sixth child born



-8 No children

-88 No subsequent children

-9 Missing

D. Work (S4, 2019-20)
F. Finances (S4, 2019-20)