B. SCHOOL (S4, 2019-20)

What school(s) have you attended since September of 2018? (Choose all that apply)

1 Checked

-9 Not checked or Missing

B1ATSNOSS4  I have not attended school

B1ATSELSS4  Elementary or middle school (grades 4-8)

B1ATSHSS4  High School (grades 9-12)

B1ATSCCS4  A two-year or community college

B1ATSVTS4 A technical or vocational school

B1ATSCOLS4  A four-year college or university

B1ATSOTHS4  Other type of school

B1ATSHNOWS4 Are you attending school now?

1 Yes

2 No

-8 Not in school

-9 Missing

B2CRSS4 Which of the following BEST describes most of the courses you take? (Circle ONE number)

1 Elementary or middle school courses

2 High school academic or college prep

3 High school general

4 High school career and technical

5 College courses leading to an Associate's Degree or occupational certification

6 College courses leading to a Bachelor's Degree or higher degree

7 Other

-8 Not in school

-9 Missing

How true are each of the following sentences for you? (Circle ONE number for each)

1 Not at all true

2 A little true

3 Somewhat true

4 Very true

-8 Not in school

-9 Missing

B3LIKS4 I really like going to school.

B4WKHS4 I work hard in school because it is so interesting.

B5HLPS4 School helps me to improve my ability to think and to solve problems.

How much time, on average, do you spend doing homework? (If none, write in 0.)

-8 Not in school

-9 Missing

B6HMWKHRS4 Homework hours each weeknight
B6HMWKMINS4 Homework minutes each weeknight

B7HMWKENDHRS4 Homework hours during the weekend (Saturday and Sunday)
B7HMWKENDMINS4 Homework minutes during the weekend (Saturday and Sunday)

How much time do you spend in extracurricular activities (like clubs, band, and sports)? (Include activities at school and at other places, such as community centers. If none, write in 0.)

-9 Missing

-8 Not in school

B8ECRRS4 hours per week after school

B8ECRRWKENDS4 hours during the weekend

How often do your parents and grandparents attend your extracurricular events (such as games or concerts)? (Circle one for each number.)

1 Often

2 Sometimes

3 Rarely

4 Never

5 Does not apply to me

-8 Not in school

-9 Missing



B9EXCGMS4 A grandmother

B9EXCGFS4 A grandfather

B10GPAS4 What is your grade point average? (Circle ONE number)

1 A

2 A-

3 B+

4 B

5 B-

6 C+

7 C

8 C-

9 D+

10 D

11 D-

12 F

-8 Not in school

-9 Missing

B11SBHRS4 Since the beginning of school this year, how often have you gotten in trouble for misbehaving or breaking school rules?

1 Never

2 Once or twice

3 3-4 times

4 5-10 times

5 More than 10 times

-8 Not in school

-9 Missing

A. Information About Yourself (S4, 2019-20)
C. Volunteering (S4, 2019-20)