K1 Below is a list of events that many people experience.  Pleas indicate which events happened to you recently by placing an 'X' under the year(s) or check "event did not happen".


0 Not checked

1 Checked

-9 Missing

20092010Event did
not happen
I was arrestedLE1AS2LE1BS2LE1CS2
I spent time in jailLE2AS2LE2BS2LE2CS2
I was assaulted, beaten up, robbed, etc.LE3AS2LE3BS2LE3CS2


K2 Everyone breaks the rules during his/her lifetime. Some break them regularly, others less often. During the last year, please estimate of the number of times you have done each one during the past year.


1 0 times

2 1 time

3 2 times

4 3-4 times

5 5+ times

-9 Missing

RB1AS2 Taken something from a store without paying for it

RB1BS2 Hit or threatened to hit someone

RB1CS2 Drank alcohol even though I am under 21

RB1DS2 Been in a physical fight/fist fight

FGTS2 K3 During the past 6 months, have you been in one or more physical fights?

0 No

1 Yes

- 9 Missing

-8 No school attendance

FGT1S2 K3A How many times at school?

FGT2S2 K3B How many times outside of school?

RB2S2 K4 Have you ever driven a car?


0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

K4A If yes, how often in the past year have you?


1 0 times

2 1 time

3 2 times

4 3-4 times

5 5+ times

-9 Missing

-8 Never driven a car

RB2AS2 Parked your car illegally

RB2BS2 Failed to pay a parking ticket

RB2CS2 Driven 20 mph or more over the speed limit

RB2DS2 Had an accident while driving (whether you were responsible or not)

RB2ES2 Driven a car ore motor vehicle after you've had too much to drink

J. Drinking And Smoking (S2, 2010)
L. Myself (S2, 2010)