FR1S1 L1 In an average week (Monday through Friday), about how many afternoons, after school, do you spend with your friends?

0 None

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five

-9 Missing

FR2S1 L2 In an average week (Monday through Friday), about how many evenings do you spend with your friends?

0 None

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five

-9 Missing

FR3S1 L3 On the weekends, about how much time do you spend with your friends?

1 All the time

2 Most of the time

3 Some of the time

4 Very little time

5 No time at all

-9 Missing

FR4S1 L4 About how many hours per week do you spend talking on the phone, emailing, or texting on your cell phone with your friends?

1 21 or more hours 

2 13-20 hours

3 7-12 hours

4 3-6 hours

5 2 hours or less
6 None

-9 Missing

FR5S1 L5 When things get rough, do you have a friend (or friends) who you can really talk to, someone you can turn to for support and understanding?

1 Yes, I am very sure I do

2 Yes, I am fairly sure I do

3 No, I don't

4 I am not sure

-9 Missing

FR6S1 L6 How close do you feel to your best friend of your own sex?

1 Extremely close

2 Quite close

3 Fairly close

4 Not close at all

-9 Missing

FR7S1 L7 How close do you feel to your best friend of the opposite sex?

1 Extremely close

2 Quite close

3 Fairly close

4 Not close at all

-9 Missing

FR8S1 L8 Have you ever held hands with someone who was not a friend or family member?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

FR9S1 L9 Have you ever kissed someone who was not just a friend or family member?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

FR10S1 L10 Have you ever fooled around with someone--more than just kissing and making out with someone, but not sex?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

FR11S1 L11 Have you ever had sex?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

L11A If yes, when did you first have sex?  How old were you when you first had sex?

-9 Missing

-8 L11=No

FR11XS1 When: Month

FR11YS1 When: Year

FR11ZS1 How old

FR12S1 L12 What's the longest you've gone out with the same person?

1 Less than one month

2 More than one month (How many months?   FR12XS1FF

3 Does not apply

-9 Missing

FR13S1 L13 In the past year, how many romantic partners have you had?

-9 Missing

FR14S1 L14 Select the category that best fits you:

1 Heterosexual, attracted to the opposite sex

2 Bisexual, attracted to the same sex and the opposite sex

3 Homosexual, attracted to the same sex

4 Not sure if I prefer male or females

-9 Missing

FR15S1 L15 Have you ever been called a bad name or threatened because of your sexual orientation?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

K. Feelings About Myself (S1, 2009)
M. My Parents (S1, 2009)