G. Family (W8, 1995)

W8C154 G1 Have you ever been married?

1 No (GO TO G2)

2 Yes (GO TO G1A)

-9 Missing

W8C155 G1A1 When did you get married?

Month________  Year 19___  

(Range=0185 to 1295)

-9 Missing

W8C156 G1A2 When did you get married?

Month________  Year 19___ (second marriage)  

(Range=0185 to 1295)

-9 Missing

G1B If you have ever been separated, please write down all dates of separation. (Range=0185 to 1295)

                                        1 G1B answered, experienced separation

                                        2 G1B not answered

                                        -9 Missing

W8C158 G1B1 From Month________  Year 19___ 

W8C159 G1B2 To Month________  Year 19___ 

W8C160 G1B3 From Month________  Year 19___ 

W8C161 G1B4 To Month________  Year 19___ 

W8C162 G1B5 From Month________  Year 19___ 

W8C163 G1B6 To Month________  Year 19___ 

W8C164 G1B7 From Month________  Year 19___ 

W8C165 G1B8 To Month________  Year 19___ 


W8C166 G1C If you have ever been divorced, when did you get divorced?

Month________  Year 19___  

(Range=0185 to 1295)

-9 Missing

G2 If you are cohabiting or married, is your partner or spouse currently:

1 Circled

2 Not circled

-9 Missing

W9C168 G2A Attending school

W9C169 G2B Unemployed and looking for work

W9C170 G2C In the military service

W9C171 G2D A full-time homemaker

W9C172 G2E Working part-time (less than 35 hours per week) (GO TO G2A)

W9C173 G2F Working full-time (35 hours or more per week) (GO TO G2A)

W9C167 G2G Not applicable (GO TO G3)

1 Circled or None of the answers (a thru g) are answered

2 Not circled

-9 Missing

G2A What is his/her main occupation? Please tell us the name of his/her job:

For more information about this variable, see work history and occupational coding

W8C174 G2B What level of education did he/she complete?

1 elementary or junior high school

2 high school or GED (General Education Diploma)

3 technical or vocational school

4 Associate degree

5 some college

6 Bachelor's degree (4 year college or university)

7 professional or graduate degree

-9 Missing

W8C175 G3 Do you have children?

1 No (Go to G5)

2 Yes (Go to G3A)

-9 Missing

When were your children born? (Range=0185 to 1295)

W8C176 G3A First child born __________ (month) 19___ 

W8C177 G3B Second child born __________ (month) 19___ 

W8C178 G3C Third child born __________ (month) 19___ 

W8C179 G3D Fourth child born __________ (month) 19___ 

W8C180 G3E Fifth child born __________ (month) 19___ 

W8C181 G3F Sixth child born __________ (month) 19___

                 -9 Missing 


W8C175 G4 Did you or your spouse/partner take any time off work to care for your children?

1 No (Go to G5)

2 Yes (Go to G4A)

-9 Missing

W8C183 G4A How much time did you take off?

1  Less than a week

2  1 week to less than a month

3  1 to less than 4 months

4  4 to less than 12 months

5  1 year

6  2 years

7  3 years or more

8  Reduced work schedule after child birth

-9 Missing

W8C184 G4B How much time did your spouse/partner take off?

1  Less than a week

2  1 week to less than a month

3  1 to less than 4 months

4  4 to less than 12 months

5  1 year

6  2 years

7  3 years or more

8  Reduced work schedule after child birth

-9 Missing

W8C185 G5 How many people live in your current household? (Include only those people who live in your house right now--include yourself.)

Number of people in my household:___________ (Range=1-20)

-9 Missing

W8C186 G7 Are your natural parents (by birth) both living?

1  Yes

2  My father is deceased

3  My mother is deceased

4  Both are deceased

5  Don't know

-9 Missing



W8C187 G8 Who are you answering these questions about?

1  My father (by birth or adoption)

2  My stepfather

3  My male guardian

4  Not applicable (GO TO G15)

-9 Missing

W8C188 G9 How much do you want to be like the kind of person he is?

1  A lot

2  Quite a bit

3  Just a little bit

4  Not at all

-9 Missing

W8C189 G10 How close do you feel to him?

1  Extremely close

2  Quite close

3  Fairly close

4  Not close at all

-9 Missing

W8C190 G11 When you are faced with personal concerns and decisions, do you talk them over with him?

1  Never

2  Rarely

3  Sometimes

4  Often

-9 Missing

W8C191 G12 How often does he talk over important decisions that he has to make with you?

1  Never

2  Rarely

3  Sometimes

4  Often

-9 Missing

W8C192 G13 How often does he listen to your side of an argument?

1  Never

2  Rarely

3  Sometimes

4  Often

-9 Missing

W8C193 G14 In the last 12 months, how often have you argued or had a fight with your father?

1  Not at all

2  Once

3  Twice

4  3 or 4 times

5 5 to 10 times

6 Very frequently, more than 10 times

-9 Missing


W8C194 G15 Who are you answering these questions about?

1  My mother (by birth or adoption)

2  My stepmother

3  My female guardian

4  Not applicable (GO TO H1)

-9 Missing

W8C195 G16 How much do you want to be like the kind of person she is?

1  A lot

2  Quite a bit

3  Just a little bit

4  Not at all

-9 Missing

W8C196 G17 How close do you feel to her?

1  Extremely close

2  Quite close

3  Fairly close

4  Not close at all

-9 Missing

W8C197 G18 When you are faced with personal concerns and decisions, do you talk them over with her?

1  Never

2  Rarely

3  Sometimes

4  Often

-9 Missing

W8C198 G19 How often does she talk over important decisions that she has to make with you?

1  Never

2  Rarely

3  Sometimes

4  Often

-9 Missing

W8C199 G20 How often does she listen to your side of an argument?

1  Never

2  Rarely

3  Sometimes

4  Often

-9 Missing

W8C200 G21 In the last 12 months, how often have you argued or had a fight with your mother?

1  Not at all

2  Once

3  Twice

4  3 or 4 times

5 5 to 10 times

6 Very frequently, more than 10 times

-9 Missing

F. Volunteering (W8, 1995)
H. Friends (W8, 1995)