W8C471 M1 On how many occasions have you had alcoholic beverages to drink in your lifetime?

1 None 

2 1‑2 times

3 3‑5 times

4 6‑9 times

5 10‑19 times

6 20‑39 times

7 40 or more times

-9 Missing

W8C472 M2  How many times have you had alcoholic beverages to drink during the past 30 days?

1 None

2 1‑2 times

3 3‑5 times

4 6‑9 times

5 10‑19 times

6 20‑39 times

7 40 or more times

-9 Missing

W8C473 M3 When you drink alcoholic beverages, how often do you drink enough to feel pretty high?

1 Never

2 Occasionally

3 About half the time

4 Most times

5 Nearly all the time

-9 Missing

W8C474 M4 Think back over the last two weeks. How many times have you had five or more drinks in a row? (A "drink" is a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, a shot glass of liquor, or a mixed drink.)

1 None

2 Once

3 Twice

4 Three to five times

5 Six to nine times

6 Ten or more times

-9 Missing

W8C475 M5 Have you ever smoked cigarettes (tobacco)?

1 No 

2 Yes 

-9 Missing

W8C476 M6 Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your lifetime?

1 Yes

2 No

-9 Missing

W8C477 M7 How often have you smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days?

1 None at all 

2 Less than 1 cigarette each day

3 1 to 5 cigarettes each day

4 About a half pack each day

5 About 1 pack each day

6 About one and a half packs each day

7 About 2 packs or more each day

-9 Missing

M8 On the average, when you were smoking, about how many cigarettes a day did you smoke?

W8C478 number per day LOW (low=1, high=50)

W8C479 number per day HIGH (low=1, high=50)

W8C480 _____ check here if you smoked less than one cigarette per day.

                        1 Checked

                        2 Not checked

                        -9 Missing

M9 About how long has it been since you last smoked cigarettes? (Please specify whether this is months or years.)

W8C481 Months LOW (low=1, high=10)

W8C482 Months HIGH (low=1, high=10)           

W8C483 Years LOW (low=1, high=14)

W8C484 Years HIGH (low=1, high=14)

W8C485 N1 What is your birth date?

________ Month

________ Day

________ Year

(entered as a six digit number, eg. 041972)

L. Myself (W8, 1995)