W4C389 N1 Does your mother, stepmother, or a female guardian live with you in your household?

1 No  (GO TO SEC O, PAGE 42)


3 No, but the section below has been answered

4 Blank, but the section below has been answered

-9 Missing

W4C390 N2 How far do you think she (your mother, stepmother, or female guardian) would like you to go in school?

1 Less than high school graduate

2 High school graduate

3 Vocational or technical school

4 Junior college degree

5 4-year college degree (B.A., B.S.)

6 Master's degree

7 Ph.D. or professional degree (medicine, dentistry, law, etc.)

8 Don't know

-9 Missing

W4C391 N3 Does the issue of household work ever come up between you and her?

1 No, we do not discuss this

2 Yes, we sometimes discuss household work (go to N3A)

3 No, but the section below has been answered

4 Blank, but the section below has been answered

-9 Missing

W4C392 N3A Does she want you to do more household work, less household work, or is she satisfied with the amount you do?

1 More household work

2 Less household work

3 She is satisfied

-9 Missing

W4C393 N3B When she wants you to do some household work, what does she usually do?

1 She just insists that I do it

2 She asks or suggests that I do it

3 She leaves it up to me

-9 Missing

W4C394 N3C When she wants you to do some household work, how free do you feel to openly disagree with her?

1 Very free

2 Somewhat free

3 Not very free

4 Not at all free

-9 Missing

W4C395 N4 Have you been to her place of work?

1 Does not apply, because she is not employed (GO TO N6)

2 No (GO TO N5

3 Yes (go to N4A)

-9 Missing

W4C396 N4A How often have you gone there?

1 More than once a week

2 About once a week

3 About once a month

4 Not every month but several times a year

5 Once or twice a year

6 Less than once a year

-9 Missing

W4C397 N5 How often does she talk to you about her work?

1 Often

2 Sometimes

3 Rarely

4 Never

-9 Missing

W4C398 N6 Does she spend enough time with you, or do you wish she spent more time with you?

1 Spends enough time

2 Wish she spent a little more time with me

3 Wish she spent a lot more time with me

-9 Missing

W4C399 N7 How much do you want to be like the kind of person she is when you're an adult?

1 A lot

2 Quite a bit

3 Just a little

4 Not at all

-9 Missing

W4C400 N8 How close do you feel to her?

1 Extremely close

2 Quite close

3 Fairly close

4 Not close at all

-9 Missing

W4C401 N9 How often do you do things with her that you enjoy?

1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-9 Missing

W4C402 N10 When you are faced with personal concerns and decisions, do you talk them over with her?

1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-9 Missing

W4C403 N11 How often does she talk over important decisions that she has to make with you?

1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-9 Missing

W4C404 N12 How often does she listen to your side of an argument?

1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

-9 Missing

W4C405 N13 During the last 12 months, how often have you argued or had a fight with your mother?

1 Not at all

2 Once

3 Twice

4 3 or 4 times

5 5 to 10 times

6 Very frequently, more than 10 times

-9 Missing

W4C406 N14 Do you have a natural parent (by birth) who does not live with you?



3 No but the section below has been answered

4 Blank but the section below has been answered

M. My Parents (Male Guardian Who Lives With Me) (W4, 1991)
N. My Parents (Father Who Does Not Live With Me) (W4, 1991)