L. MYSELF (W20, 2019)

How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (Circle one number for each.)

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Agree

4 Strongly Agree

-9 Missing

L1MEA20 I feel I have a number of good qualities.

L1MEB20 I certainly feel useless at times.

L1MEC20 I feel I do not have much to be proud of.

L1MEE20 There is really no way I can solve some of the problems I have.

L1MEF20 I take a positive attitude toward myself.

L1MEG20 On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.

L1MEH20 Sometimes I feel that I am being pushed around in life.

L1MEI20 I have little control over things that happen to me.

L1MEJ20 I can do just about anything I really set my mind to.

L1MEK20 What happens to me in the future mostly depends on me.

L1MEL20 I often feel helpless in dealing with problems of life.

L1MEM20 There is little I can do to change many of the important things in my life.

L1MEN20 At times I think I am no good at all.

L2MEHE20 In general, would you say your health is?

1 Excellent

2 Very good

3 Good

4 Fair

5 Poor

-9 Missing


L3LONGLI20 What do you think the chances are that you will live a long and healthy life?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


What is your current height (feet and inches)?

L4MEFE20 Feet: ________
L4MEIN20 Inches: ________

-9 Missing

L4MEWE20 What is your current weight (pounds)? _______

-9 Missing

L5MEPH20 During the past 4 weeks, have physical health problems caused you difficulty in doing your work or other daily activities?

1 Not at all

2 Slightly

3 Moderately

4 Quite a bit

5 Extremely

-9 Missing


L6MEEM20 During the past 4 weeks, have emotional problems (such as feeling depressed or anxious) led you to accomplish less than you would like in your work or other daily activities?

1 Not at all

2 Slightly

3 Moderately

4 Quite a bit

5 Extremely

-9 Missing


L7MESO20 During the past 4 weeks, have physical health or emotional problems interfered with your normal social activities with family, friends, neighbors, or groups?

1 Not at all

2 Slightly

3 Moderately

4 Quite a bit

5 Extremely

-9 Missing


L8MEPP20 How much physical pain have you had during the past 4 weeks?

1 None

2 Very mild

3 Mild

4 Moderate

5 Severe

5 Very severe

-9 Missing


Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have the following? (Check all that apply)

1 Checked

-9 Not checked or Missing

L9MEA20 High blood pressure

L9MEB20 Ischemic heart disease, heart attack, MI

L9MEC20 Stroke

L9MED20 Hepatitis/jaundice

L9MEE20 Diabetes

L9MEF20 Prolonged anxiety, depression, or other mental health problems

L9MEG20 Cancer

L9MEH20 Chronic Lung Disease (Emphysema, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis)

L9MEI20 A fracture or broken bone

L9MEJ20 Chronic digestive disease (Ulcer, colitis, liver problems)

L9MEK20 Epilepsy or a seizure disorder

L9MEL20 A chronic back problem

L9MEN20 An allergy

L9MEO20 Any other major disease, disability or handicap

L9MEP20 None of the above


In an average week, how many days do you:

1 0 days per week

2 1 day per week

3 2 days per week

4 3 days per week

5 4 days per week

6 5 days per week

7 6 days per week

8 7 days per week

-9 Missing

L10MEBRK20 Eat breakfast

L10MEMOD20 Do moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes (e.g. walking, biking)?

L10MEVIG20 Do vigorous physical activities for at least 30 minutes (e.g. running, football, swimming)?

L13MESLP20 How many hours of sleep do you usually get in a 24 hour period?

1 Less than five

2 Five

3 Six

4 Seven

5 Eight

6 Nine

7 More than nine

-9 Missing


L14MELW20 I have tried to lose weight by fasting or going on diets.

1 Never

2 Rarely

3 Sometimes

4 Often

5 Very Often

-9 Missing


L15MESEW20 I think I am:

1 Very underweight

2 Somewhat underweight

3 Normal weight

4 Somewhat overweight

5 Very overweight

-9 Missing


During the past month, how much of the time: (Circle one number for each.)

1 None of the time

2 A little of the time

3 Some of the time

4 Most of the time

5 All of the time

-9 Missing

L16MEHOP20 Have you felt that the future looks hopeful and promising?

L16MESTR20 Have you been under any strain, stress, or pressure?

L16MEANX20 Have you been anxious or worried?

L16MEENJ20 Have you generally enjoyed the things you do?

L16METIR20 Have you felt tired, worn out, or exhausted?

L16MECAL20 Have you felt calm and peaceful?

L16MEDB20 Have you felt downhearted and blue?

L16METNS20 Have you felt tense or "high strung"?

L16MECH20 Have you felt cheerful or lighthearted?

L16MEMB20 Have you been moody or brooded about things?

L16MEDEP20 Have you felt depressed?

L16MELOW20 Have you been in low or very low spirits?

L16MELON20 Have you felt lonely?

L16MEINT20 Has your daily life been full of things that are interesting to you?

L16MEFR20 Do you wake up feeling fresh and rested?

L17MERATE20 Using a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means 'the worst possible life overall' and 10 means the 'best possible life overall', how would you rate your life overall these days? (Circle one number below)

1 0

2 1

3 2

4 3

5 4

6 5

7 6

8 7

9 8

10 9

11 10

-9 Missing

How do you see your future in the next 10 years? What are the chances that:

L18MEFUA20 You will have a job that pays well?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


L18MEFUB20 You will be able to afford the residence you prefer (for example, a house or apartment that you own or rent)?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


L18MEFUC20 You will have a job that you enjoy doing?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


L18MEFUD20 You will have a happy family life?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


L18MEFUE20 You will be in good health most of the time?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


L18MEFUF20 You will be able to live wherever you want to in the country?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


L18MEFUG20 You will be respected in your community?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


L18MEFUH20 Life will turn out better for you than it has for your parents?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


L18MEFUI20 Your children will have a better life than you've had?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


L18MEFUJ20 You will have good friends you can count on?

1 Very high

2 High

3 About fifty-fifty

4 Low

5 Very low

-9 Missing


Looking ahead ten years into the future, do you think your life overall will be:

L19MEOTH20 Worse, similar, or better than for others of your age?

1 Worse

2 Similar

3 Better

-9 Missing


L19MEYOU20 Worse, similar, or better than your life overall right now?

1 Worse

2 Similar

3 Better

-9 Missing


K. Life Events (W20, 2019)
M. Substance Use and Rule Breaking (W20, 2019)