C. EDUCATION (W20, 2019)

C1EDULV20 Check the highest level of education you have completed.

1 Elementary or junior high school

2 GED (General Equivalency Diploma)

3 High school Diploma 

4 Technical or vocational school

5 Associate's degree

6 Some college

7 Bachelor's degree (4-year college or university)

8 Master's degree

9 Ph.D. or professional degree

-9 Missing


What type(s) of school have you attended since 2011? (Check all that apply.)

C2NOSCH20 I have not attended school

C2HS20 High school

C2GOVTR20 Government training/job program

C2CMCOLL20 Community college

C2VOCTEC20 Vocational, technical, trade or business school

C2UNIV20 4-year college or university

C2GRAD20 Professional or graduate school

C2OTHSCH20 Other type(s) of schools

-9 Missing


A - B. School & Work History (W20, 2019)
D. Employment (W20, 2019)