G. MY CHILDREN (W19, 2011)

KIDS19 G1 Do you have any children?


0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing


G2 When were these children born?

-8 NA (have no child)

-88 NA (have no nth child)

-9 Missing

G3 What is their relation to you?

-8 NA (have no child)

-88 NA (have no nth child)

-9 Missing








First child born




Second child born




Third child born




Fourth child born




Fifth child born




Sixth child born




Seventh child born




Eighth child born




Ninth child born




Tenth child born




G4 Do you have full, partial/joint, or no custody? Please check only one for each child.


1 Full custody

2 Partial or joint custody

3 No custody

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (have no nth child)

-9 Missing


CH1CS19 First child CH6CS19 Sixth child

CH2CS19 Second child CH7CS19 Seventh child

CH3CS19 Third child CH8CS19 Eighth child

CH4CS19 Fourth child CH9CS19 Ninth child

CH5CS19 Fifth child CH10CS19 Tenth child

OFFWRK19 G5 After the birth/arrival of your youngest child, did you or your spouse/partner take any time off from work to care for your child?


0 No

1 Yes

-8 NA (no children)

-9 Missing

G5A How much time did you take off work?

-8 NA

-9 Missing


G5ALO19 Low amount

G5AHI19 High amount

G5B How much time did your spouse/partner take off work?

-8 NA

-9 Missing


G5BLO18 Low amount

G5BHI18 High amount

G6 How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? 


1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree

3 Agree

4 Strongly agree

-8 NA (no children)

-9 Missing


G6PA119 I feel I am doing a good job as a parent.

G6PA219 I feel good about the opportunities I can provide for my children.

G7 How often do the following occur in your relationship with your children? 


1 Never

2 Seldom

3 Sometimes

4 Often

5 Almost always

-8 NA (no children)

-9 Missing


G7PA119 I feel stress or pressure in my relationships with my children.

G7PA219 Because of my children, I do not have enough time to take care of myself.

G7PA319 Parenting leaves me feeling drained and exhausted.

G8 What level of education do you think your children will eventually complete?

1 Less than high school graduation

2 High school graduate

3 Some college

4 Community or junior college degree

5 Four-year college degree (BA, BS)

6 Some graduate school

7 Master's degree

8 Ph.D. or professional degree (such as medicine, law, or dentistry)

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


CH1ED19 First child

CH2ED19 Second child

CH3ED19 Third child

CH4ED19 Fourth child

CH5ED19 Fifth child

CH6ED19 Sixth child

G9 How active have they been in volunteering over the past year?

1 Very active

2 Somewhat active

3 Not at all active

4 Don't know

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


G9CH119 First child

G9CH219 Second child

G9CH319 Third child

G9CH419 Fourth child

G9CH519 Fifth child

G9CH619 Sixth child

G10 How active are they in politics or in the affairs of the community? 

1 Very active

2 Somewhat active

3 Not at all active

4 Don't know

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


G10CH119 First child

G10CH219 Second child

G10CH319 Third child

G10CH419 Fourth child

G10CH519 Fifth child

G10CH619 Sixth child

G11 How often do you discuss community issues or political matters with your child(ren)? (Check one for each child.)

1 Frequently

2 Occasionally

3 Rarely

4 Never

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


G11CH119 First child

G11CH219 Second child

G11CH319 Third child

G11CH419 Fourth child

G11CH519 Fifth child

G11CH619 Sixth child

G12 My children are interested in politics. 

1 Disagree strongly

2 Disagree

3 Agree

4 Agree strongly

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


G12CH119 First child

G12CH219 Second child

G12CH319 Third child

G12CH419 Fourth child

G12CH519 Fifth child

G12CH619 Sixth child

G13 My children are well prepared to be an active citizen. 

1 Disagree strongly

2 Disagree

3 Agree

4 Agree strongly

5 Inapplicable, my child is too young

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing


G13CH119 First child

G13CH219 Second child

G13CH319 Third child

G13CH419 Fourth child

G13CH519 Fifth child

G13CH619 Sixth child

G14 To your knowledge, have your children experienced the following problems wih peers? 

0 Unchecked

1 Checked

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing

Was your child (or children)...First childSecond childThird childFourth childFifth childSixth child
Made fun of, called names, or insulted?G14AC119G14AC219G14AC319G14AC419G14AC519G14AC619
Had rumors spread about him/her?G14BC119G14BC219G14BC319G14BC419G14BC519G14BC619
Been threatened with harm?G14CC119G14CC219G14CC319G14CC419G14CC519G14CC619
Pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on?G14DC119G14DC219G14DC319G14DC419G14DC519G14DC619
Made to do things he/she did not want to do, for example, give away money? G14EC119G14EC219G14EC319G14EC419G14EC519G14EC619
Excluded from activities on purpose?G14FC119G14FC219G14FC319G14FC419G14FC519G14FC619
Had property destroyed on purpose?G14GC119G14GC219G14GC319G14GC419G14GC519G14GC619
My child did not experience any of the above problems.G14HC119G14HC219G14HC319G14HC419G14HC519G14HC619

G15 Do your children use any of these strategies to help them deal with stress. (Check as many as apply.)


0 Unchecked

1 Checked

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing

First childSecond childThird childFourth childFifth childSixth child
Go outG15BC119G15AC219G15AC319G15AC419G15AC519G15AC619
Listen to musicG15BC119G15BC219G15BC319G15BC419G15BC519G15BC619
Play sportsG15DC119G15DC219G15DC319G15DC419G15DC519G15DC619
Go shoppingG15EC119G15EC219G15EC319G15EC419G15EC519G15EC619
Stop eatingG15FC119G15FC219G15FC319G15FC419G15FC519G15FC619
Drink alcoholG15GC119G15GC219G15GC319G15GC419G15GC519G15GC619
Hit someoneG15HC119G15HC219G15HC319G15HC419G15HC519G15HC619
Take drugsG15IC119G15IC219G15IC319G15IC419G15IC519G15IC619
Hurt themselves on purposeG15KC119G15KC219G15KC319G15KC419G15KC519G15KC619
My child does not use any of these strategies to help them deal with stressG15LC119G15LC219G15LC319G15LC419G15LC519G15LC619

G16CSM19 G16 To your knowledge have any of your children smoked (tobacco) during the last year?


0 No

1 Yes

-8 NA

-9 Missing

G16A How often do you believe your children smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days? (Check one for each child.)

1 Not at all

2 Less than 1 cigarette each day

3 1 to 5 cigarettes each day

4 About 1/2 pack each day

5 About 1 pack each day

6 About 1-1/2 packs each day

7 About 2 packs or more each day

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-888 NA (No knowledge of children smoking)

-9 Missing


G16AC119 First child

G16AC219 Second child

G16AC319 Third child

G16AC419 Fourth child

G16AC519 Fifth child

G16AC619 Sixth child

G17CAL19 G17 To your knowledge, have any of your children had any beer, wine, or liquor during the past year?


0 No

1 Yes

-8 NA

-9 Missing

G17A On how many occasions do you believe your children have had alcoholic beverages to drink in the past 30 days? 

1 None

2 1-2 times

3 3-5 times

4 6-9 times

5 10-19 times

6 20-39 times

7 40 or more times

-8 NA (No children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-888 NA (No knowledge of children drinking)

-9 Missing


G17AC119 First child

G17AC219 Second child

G17AC319 Third child

G17AC419 Fourth child

G17AC519 Fifth child

G17AC619 Sixth child

G18 To your knowledge, have any your children ever used the following drugs? 


0 Unchecked

1 Checked

-8 NA (no children)

-88 NA (no nth child)

-9 Missing

First childSecond childThird childFourth childFifth childSixth child
Used marijuana or hashish.G18AC119G18AC219G18AC319G18AC419G18AC519G18AC619
Used an illegal drug other than marijuana (such as cocaine, crystal meth, LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, or heroin).G18BC119G18BC219G18BC319G18BC419G18BC519G18BC619
Used prescription drugs (such as Ritalin, Oxycontin, or Vicodin) on his or her own--without a doctor's prescription.G18CC119G18CC219G18CC319G18CC419G18CC519G18CC619


F. Family Relationships (W19, 2011)
H. My Father, Stepfather, or Male Guardian (W19, 2011)