E. FINANCES (W19, 2011)

E1 During the past year, what share of your living expenses were covered by each of the following sources? Please make sure it adds up to 100%. 

                                        -9 Missing


Percent (%) Contribution

Your own earnings and/or savings


Spouse or Partner


Parents or Step-parents


  Other RelativesE1REL19

Governmental assistance (unemployment insurance, food stamps, cash, housing, or energy/heating assistance, etc.)


Other (please specify-E1OTHS19)




E2STRE19 E2 How much stress have you felt in meeting your financial obligations during the past year?

1 Not at all stressful



4 Moderately stressful



7 Extremely stressful

-9 Missing

E3BILL19 E3 How difficult is it for you to pay your bills on time? These bills might include insurance, rent, mortgages, car payments, credit cards, etc.

1 Not at all difficult



4 Moderately difficult



7 Extremely difficult

-9 Missing

E4DEBT19 E4 How much of a burden do you feel from debt (from credit cards, mortgages, personal loans, etc.)?

1 No burden at all



4 A moderate burden



7 Extremely high burden

-9 Missing

E5 How much money did you earn through paid employment during the past two weeks including tips, commissions, and bonuses (before taxes and other deductions)?

-9 Missing

INCBWL19 Low amount

INCBWH19 High amount

E6 What was the income for your entire household in 2010, before taxes? (Include all earners in your household.)

-9 Missing

INCYRL19 Low amount

INCYRH19 High amount

E7SAV19 E7 Do you have a savings account?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

E7A How much money do you have saved?

E7SAVL19 Low amount

E7SAVH19 High amount

E8RET19 E8 Do you have one or more retirement accounts (Pension, IRA, 401K, 403B, etc)?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

E8A What is the approximate value of your retirement accounts?

E8RETL19 Low amount

E8RETH19 High amount

E9INV19 E9 Do you have other investments (Not retirement or savings)?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

E9A What is the approximate value of your other investments?

E9INVL19 Low amount

E9INVH19 High amount

E10HOW19 E10 Do you own your home, pay rent to a landlord, live in someone else’s home (like your parents’), or do you live in some other situation? Please circle one

1 I own my home

2 I rent

3 I live in someone else’s home

4 Other (specification- E10HOS19)

-9 Missing

E11CHI19 E11 Since June 2009, have you or your partner paid child support?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

E11A How much per month?

E11CHL19 Low amount

E11CHH19 High amount

E12INS19 E12 Do you currently have health insurance of any kind?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing


E13DIN19 E13 Do your spouse and/or children have health insurance?

1 No

2 Not Applicable, I do not have a spouse or children

3 Yes

-9 Missing

E14GF19 E14 Not counting shared housing or food, did you give financial help to your mother or father amounting to $500 or more since June 2009?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

E14A How much?

E14GFL19 Low amount

E14GFH19 High amount

E15RF19 E15 Not counting shared housing or food, did you receive from your father or mother financial help amounting to $500 or more since June 2009?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

E15A How much?

E15RFL19 Low amount

E15RFH19 High amount

E16LON19 E16 Have you received a personal loan ($500 or more) from a relative or friend since June 2009?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

E16A How much?

E16LOL19 Low amount

E16LOH19 High amount

E17 Do you now have any of these types of loans? Circle yes or no for each item.


0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing


Business loan


Education loan


Home mortgage


Home equity loan


Car loan


Other loan from a financial institution

E18 During the past two years, have you made any of the following adjustments because of financial need?

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

E18ADJA19 Taken on a second (part-time) job to help meet living expenses

E18ADJB19 Started a home-based business

E18ADJC19 Worked longer hours

E18ADJD19 Taken more responsibility at home so that your spouse or partner could work more hours or work outside the home

E18ADJE19 Used savings to meet daily living expenses

E18ADJF19 Sold possessions or property

E18ADJG19 Purchased more items on credit than you used to

E18ADJH19 Postponed major household purchases

E18ADJI19 Purchased used goods rather than new

E18ADJJ19 Charged residence to save money

E18ADJK19 Reduced charitable contributions

E18ADJL19 Changed food shopping or eating habits to save money

E18ADJM19 Reduced household utility use to save money

E18ADJN19 Cut back on social and entertainment expenses

E18ADJO19 Postponed medical or dental care

E18ADJP19 Gotten behind on mortgage payments

E18ADJQ19 Received government assistance

E18ADJR19 Bartered with others for goods or services

E18ADJS19 Had your home foreclosed

E19 Because of financial need, have you reduced or eliminated any of the following:

0 No

1 Yes

-9 Missing

E19ELI119 Life insurance

E19ELI219 Medical insurance

E19ELI319 Auto Insurance

E19ELI419 Household insurance

E20FIFU19 E20 Thinking about the future, do you think a year from now your family will be...

1 Much better off financially

2 Better off financially

3 About the same as now

4 Worse off financially

5 Much worse off financially

-9 Missing

D. Employment (W19, 2011)
F. Family Relationships (W19, 2011)