J1SMK18 J1 How often have you smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days?

1 Not at all

2 Less than 1 cigarette each day

3 1 to 5 cigarettes each day

4 About a half pack each day

5 About 1 pack each day

6 About one and a half packs each day

7 About 2 packs or more each day

-9 Missing

J2ALC118 J2 How many times have you had alcoholic beverages to drink in the past 30 days?

1 None 

2 1-2 times

3 3-5 times

4 6-9 times

5 10-19 times

6 20-39 times

7 40 or more times

-9 Missing

J3ALC218 J3 Think back over the last two weeks. How many times have you had five or more drinks on the same occasion? By “occasion” we mean within a couple hours. By “drink”, we mean a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, or a mixed drink.

1 None

2 Once

3 Twice

4 Three to five times

5 Six to nine times

6 Ten or more times

-8 No drinking in the past 30 days

-9 Missing

J4 The next question asks you about your use of drugs.


                                        0 Never used them

                                        1 Used them, but not in the past year

                                        2 Used them in the past year

                                       -9 Missing

J4MRJN18 Used marijuana or hashish

J4DRUG18 Used an illegal drug other than marijuana (such as cocaine, crystal meth, LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, or heroin).

J4PRSD18 Used prescription drugs (such as Ritalin, Oxycontin, or Vicoden) on your own--without a doctor telling you to take them.

J5 Compared to five years ago, do you think you now do more, less, or about the same amount of these activities?


0 Never did this 

1 Much less

2 Somewhat less

3 About the same

4 Somewhat more

5 Much more

-9 Missing


J5PRTY18 "Partying" with friends in bars or nightclubs

J5WRKR18 Breaking work rules (such as calling in sick when you're not really sick)

J5OTHR18 Breaking other rules (such as driving after you've had too much to drink)

J6 Compared to other people your age, do you think you now do more, less, or about the same amount of these activities?


1 Much less

2 Somewhat less

3 About the same

4 Somewhat more

5 Much more

-9 Missing


J6PRTY18 "Partying" with friends in bars or nightclubs

J6WRKR18 Breaking work rules (such as calling in sick when you're not really sick)

J6OTHR18 Breaking other rules (such as driving after you've had too much to drink)

J7 Everyone breaks the rules during his/her lifetime. Some break them regularly, others less often. Below is a list of rule-breaking behaviors. For each, please give your best estimate of the number of times you have done each one during the last year.


1 0 times

2 1 time

3 2 times

4 3-4 times

5 5+ times

-9 Missing


J7PARK18 Parked your car illegally

J7PAY18 Failed to pay a parking ticket

J7SPE18 Driven 20 mph or more over the speed limit

J7CAA18 Had an accident while driving (whether you were responsible or not)

J7DUI18 Driven a car ore motor vehicle after you've had too much to drink

J7STL18 Taken something from a store without paying for it

J7HIT18 Hit or threatened to hit someone

J7PRN18 Watched an X-rated or pornographic film or video (including those on the Internet)

J7FGT18 Been in a physical fight/fist fight

J7STP18 Been in a motor vehicle that was stopped by the police

J7ARS18 Been arrested and taken to a police station

I. Myself (W18, 2009)
K. Volunteering (W18, 2009)