H. MYSELF (W17, 2007)

H117 H1 What is your sex?

1 Male

2 Female

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H217 H2 How masculine would you say you are?

1 Not at all masculine

2 Somewhat masculine

3 About average

4 Very masculine

5 Extremely masculine

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H317 H3 How feminine would you say you are?

1 Not at all masculine

2 Somewhat feminine

3 About average

4 Very feminine

5 Extremely feminine

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H417 H4 Were you born in the United States?

 1 No

2 Yes

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H517 In what country were you born?

H617 H6 What is your primary ethnic and/or racial identity?

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H717 H7 How often do you attend religious services? (Circle one number only.)

1 Never

2 Hardly ever or just on holidays

3 Less than once a month

4 About once a month

5 2-3 times a month

6 Once a week

7 More than once a week

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H817 H8 In general, would you say your health is… (Circle one number only.)

1 Excellent

2 Very good

3 Good

4 Fair

5 Poor

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H9 What is your current height and weight?

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

Height: feet-H9HGTF17 and inches-H9HGTI17

Weight: pounds-H9WGT17

H10 In an average week how many days do you… (Circle one number only.)

Min=0 Max=7 times per week

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H10BFT17 Eat breakfast

H10MEX17 Do moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes (e.g. walking, biking)?

H10VEX17 Do vigorous physical activities for at least 30 minutes (e.g. running, football, swimming)?

H11 In the past 12 months have you… (Circle only one number.)

1 Yes

2 No

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H11A17 Seen or talked to a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, Psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker about your own mental health?

H11B17 Seen or talked to a doctor, nurse, or other health professional about your own physical health?

H11C17 Had your blood pressure checked by a doctor or nurse?

H11D17 Had a blood test for cholesterol?

H11E17 Seen a dentist for dental care, including routine check-ups?

H1217 H12 Do you have any kind of health care coverage, including health insurance, prepaidplans such as HMOs, or government plans such as Medicare?

1 No

2 Yes

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H13 During the past month, how much of the time… (Circle only one number.)

1 None of the time

2 A little of the time

3 Some of the time

4 Most of the time

5 All of the time

-8 Noncodable response

-9 Blank

H13A17 Have you felt that the future looks hopeful and promising?

H13B17 Have you been under any strain, stress, or pressure?

H13C17 Have you been anxious or worried?

H13D17 Have you generally enjoyed the things you do?

H13E17 Have you felt tired, worn out, or exhausted?

H13F17 Have you felt calm and peaceful?

H13G17 Have you felt downhearted and blue?

H13H17 Have you felt tense or “high strung”?

H13I17 Have you felt cheerful or lighthearted?

H13J17 Have you been moody or brooded about things?

H13K17 Have you felt depressed?

H13L17 Have you been in low or very low spirits?

H13M17 Have you felt lonely?

H13N17 Has your daily life been full of things that are interesting to you?

H13O17 Do you wake up feeling fresh and rested?

G. Rule Breaking and Substance Abuse (W17, 2007)
I. Volunteering (W17, 2007)