Some people experience discrimination because of race, sex, age, handicaps, union membership or other things. For each item below, please indicate whether you have experienced it on any job you have held since high school and who you notified about it. We’d like to remind you that all of your answers are confidential.

J1  At any job you have held since high school, have you experienced a problem with discrimination in…

0  No
1  Yes
-9  Missing

J1HIRE11  Being hired or fired from a job?
J1COND11  Working conditions, pay, or promotions?
J1OTHR11  Other job-related areas?

If yes, who did you notify? (Check all that apply)

0  Unchecked
1  Checked
-9 Missing

   Nobody Co-worker Supervisor Government Agency Other
Being hired or fired from a job? J1NOBH11 J1CWH11 J1SVH11 J1GOVH11 J1OTHH11
Working conditions, pay, promotions? J1NOBC11 J1CWC11 J1SVC11 J1GOVC11 J1OTHC11
Other job-related areas? J1NOBO11 J1CWO11 J1SVO11 J1GOVO11 J1OTHO11

J2  During high school, did you ever experience a problem with discrimination in…

0  No
1  Yes
-9  Missing

J2HIRE11  Being hired or fired from a job?
J2COND11  Working conditions, pay, or promotions?
J2OTHR11  Other job-related areas?

If yes, who did you notify? (Check all that apply)

0  Unchecked
1  Checked
-9 Missing

   Nobody Co-worker Supervisor Government Agency Other
Being hired or fired from a job? J2NOBH11 J2CWH11 J2SVH11 J2GOVH11 J2OTHH11
Working conditions, pay, promotions? J2NOBC11 J2CWC11 J2SVC11 J2GOVC11 J2OTHC11
Other job-related areas? J2NOBO11 J2CWO11 J2SVO11 J2GOVO11 J2OTHO11

DISEDU11    J3  Have you ever experienced a problem with discrimination in schooling and education?

0  No
1  Yes
-9  Missing

J3A  If yes, who did you notify? (circle all that apply)

0  Unchecked
1  Checked
-9 Missing

NOTED111  Nobody
NOTED211  Another student
NOTED311  A teacher or counselor
NOTED411  A principal or dean
NOTED511  A government agency
NOTED611  Other

DISHOU11   J4  Have you ever experienced a problem with discrimination in buying or renting housing?

0  No
1  Yes
-9  Missing

J4A  If yes, who did you notify? (circle all that apply)

0  Unchecked
1  Checked
-9 Missing

NOTHO111  Nobody
NOTHO211  Another student
NOTHO311  A teacher or counselor
NOTHO411  A principal or dean
NOTHO511  A government agency
NOTHO611  Other

ATTORN11   J5  Have you ever consulted an attorney about any of your experiences with discrimination?

0  No
1  Yes
-9  Missing

DISUIT11   J5A  If yes, did you file suit?

0  No
1  Yes
-9  Missing

DIOUTC11   J5B  If yes, what was the outcome of the suit?

1  Nothing
2  Reached a settlement before trial
3  Dismissed before trial without a settlement
4  Won in court
5  Lost in court
6  Other (specification: DIOUTO11)
-9  Missing

J6   The following questions have to do with offensive or inappropriate behavior by your coworkers or supervisors. Please indicate whether you have experienced these behaviors on any job you have held since high school. If you have experienced these behaviors, please indicate whether you reported them to any of the persons or agencies listed.

At any job you have held since high school, have you experienced… If yes, who did you notify? (Check all that apply)
0  Not checked
1  Checked
-9 Missing
  0  No
1  Yes
-9 Mising
Nobody Co-worker Supervisor Government
Offensive jokes, remarks, or gossip about other men/women? J6JOKO11 J6NBOT11 J6CWOT11 J6SVOT11 J6GOOT11 J6OTOT11
Offensive jokes, remarks or gossip directed at you? J6JOKU11 J6NBYO11 J6CWYO11 J6SVYO11 J6GOYO11 J6OTYO11
Direct questioning about your private life? J6PRIV11 J6NBPR11 J6CWPR11 J6SVPR11 J6GOPR11 J6OTPR11
Staring or invasion of your personal space? J6SPAC11 J6NBSP11 J6CWSP11 J6SVSP11 J6GOSP11 J6OTSP11
Unwanted touching? J6TOUC11 J6NBTO11 J6CWTO11 J6SVTO11 J6GOTO11 J6OTTO11
Pictures, posters, or other materials that you found offensive? J6PICS11 J6NBPI11 J6CWPI11 J6SVPI11 J6GOPI11 J6OTPI11
Physical assault by a co-worker, boss, or supervisor? J6PHYS11 J6NBPH11 J6CWPH11 J6SVPH11 J6GOPH11 J6OTPH11


At any job you held during high school, have you experienced… If yes, who did you notify? (Check all that apply)
0  Not checked
1  Checked
-9 Missing
  0  No
1  Yes
-9 Missing
Nobody Co-worker Supervisor Government
Offensive jokes, remarks, or gossip about other men/women? J7JOKO11 J7NBOT11 J7CWOT11 J7SVOT11 J7GOOT11 J7OTOT11
Offensive jokes, remarks or gossip directed at you? J7JOKU11 J7NBYO11 J7CWYO11 J7SVYO11 J7GOYO11 J7OTYO11
Direct questioning about your private life? J7PRIV11 J7NBPR11 J7CWPR11 J7SVPR11 J7GOPR11 J7OTPR11
Staring or invasion of your personal space? J7SPAC11 J7NBSP11 J7CWSP11 J7SVSP11 J7GOSP11 J7OTSP11
Unwanted touching? J7TOUC11 J7NBTO11 J7CWTO11 J7SVTO11 J7GOTO11 J7OTTO11
Pictures, posters, or other materials that you found offensive? J7PICS11 J7NBPI11 J7CWPI11 J7SVPI11 J7GOPI11 J7OTPI11
Physical assault by a co-worker, boss, or supervisor? J7PHYS11 J7NBPH11 J7CWPH11 J7SVPH11 J7GOPH11 J7OTPH11

HARASS11   J8  Would you consider any of the above experiences during or since high school sexual harassment?

0  No
1  Yes
-9  Missing

ATTRNY11   J9  Have you ever consulted an attorney about any of these experiences with offensive or inappropriate workplace behavior?

0  No
1  Yes
-9  Missing

HASUIT11   J9A  If yes, did you file a lawsuit?

0  No
1  Yes
-9  Missing

HAOUTC11   J9B  If yes, what was the outcome of the suit?

1  Nothing
2  Reached a settlement before trial
3  Dismissed before trial without a settlement
4  Won in court
5  Lost in court
6  Other (specification: HAOUTO11)
-9  Missing

I. Health (W11, 1999)
K. Work Problems (W11, 1999)